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Health Services | Financial Services | Trade Facilitation | Regulatory Restrictions In Logistic Services | Strategic Transport Plan

ASEAN is well on its way to become a global services hub, especially after the ASEAN Economic Community comes into effect in 2015. ERIA contributes to helping ASEAN Member States improve their services industry through research on health services, barriers to trade within different services, financial services, trade facilitation, regulatory restrictions in logistic services, and strategic transport plan.


3 July 2024
This paper provides new empirical evidence of city amenities’ role in China’s internal migration using [...]
3 July 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic period offered the opportunity to consider the adjustment of elements of the transport system to [...]
18 June 2024
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the importance of urban amenities to economic development using Indonesia [...]
18 June 2024
The aim of this study is to measure the quality of urban amenities in Bekasi and Tangerang regions, [...]
18 June 2024
This paper examines the effects of urban amenities on the probability of firms exporting and firm productive performance [...]
31 May 2024
This paper examines the effects of servicification on productivity from the perspectives of service inputs (demand-side) and service [...]
7 May 2024
Exports have been a critical source for the resilience of the Malaysian economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and [...]
7 May 2024
E-commerce has revolutionised the way firms and businesses operate and compete in the world economy. This paper examines [...]
7 May 2024
This paper uses detailed firm-level and transactional-level trade data to examine the causal relationship between digitalisation and servicification [...]
7 May 2024
Tourism was one of the sectors most damaged by COVID-19. The number of inbound tourists plummeted, and domestic [...]
15 January 2024
Indonesia's ongoing financial sector reforms align with regional commitments, particularly the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS), designed [...]
13 September 2023
Industrial agglomeration is an important component to create efficiency and externalities for industrial growth and competitiveness for the [...]
14 August 2023
Since 2012, the number of inbound tourists to Japan has increased every year, and new records of tourism-related economic [...]
3 July 2023
Malaysia leverages the economic activities in and around its oceans, seas, and coastal areas, as its maritime space [...]
24 October 2022
This paper aims to clarify the role of Japan in the process leading up to the establishment of [...]
24 October 2022
This paper aims to understand how the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), an international [...]
21 October 2022
The Trade in Services Chapter of the RCEP Agreement establishes the rules for the progressive liberalisation of trade [...]
21 October 2022
This paper attempts to discuss the potential role of RCEP from the perspective of two kinds of international [...]
21 October 2022
This paper examines the potential impact of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) on the Cambodian economy in [...]
21 October 2022
East Asia’s Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into force in 2022 as the world’s [...]
21 October 2022
This chapter aims to examine the restrictiveness of rules of origin (RoO) in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ([...]
21 October 2022
This study follows and extends a survey by Amador and Cabral (2014) on global value chain (GVC) indicators and [...]
21 October 2022
In this chapter, we start with an overview of trade flows in modern services within the Regional Comprehensive [...]
21 October 2022
This study estimates the potential economic effects of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) by using a recursively [...]
16 September 2022
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused trade disruptions; a drop in foreign direct investment; and scarring effects [...]
14 September 2022
Traditional services trade (TST), including tourism and transport services, is the basic and key component of services trade [...]
31 May 2022
Innovation-driven entrepreneurship enables people and companies to pursue global opportunities based on innovative processes, products, or services. Studies [...]
15 December 2021
This comprehensive Handbook provides an in-depth analysis of the nature of East Asian economic integration alongside thoughtful insights [...]
8 December 2021
This policy brief highlights the role of social enterprises in promoting social impact and inclusion for people with [...]
1 July 2021
The Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2020-2021 provides an overview of both new and ongoing projects that [...]
19 April 2021
Given the importance of services for economic activity in general and the salience of reducing service link costs [...]
17 July 2020
This brief proposes a policy framework for digital connectivity to support the development of e-commerce. Using this analytical [...]
14 April 2020
The next Asian miracle of growth could be born with the region's digital transformation. Digital connectivity is [...]
10 March 2020
Global cross-border e-commerce has become increasingly important in the international economy. The next Asian miracle of growth could [...]
5 December 2019
The building of global value chains in manufacturing is much discussed, but less attention is given to [...]
3 June 2019
The growth of world trade has been stagnant in recent times; trade liberalisation now has been challenged. The [...]
15 May 2018
Rail links between China and Europe are typically analysed in the context of China’s Belt and [...]
23 March 2017
This paper reviews Cambodia's economic development based on flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) and services sector [...]
26 April 2016
Intellectual property rights (IPR) protection is essential for economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness. As the global economy is [...]
31 March 2016
The Government of the Republic of Korea has made great efforts to improve its regulatory management system and [...]

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