Urban Amenities, Firm Performance, and the Probability of Exporting in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

18 June 2024Category:
Investment, Services, Urban DevelopmentType:
Discussion PapersTags:
productivity, urban amenities, exporting, investment, Lao PDRPrint Article:
This paper examines the effects of urban amenities on the probability of firms exporting and firm productive performance in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). A logit model was used, finding that urban amenities have a positive and statistically significant effect on firm productivity. However, the results do not indicate any impact on the probability of firms exporting. Based on these results, both the government and private sector should invest more in improving urban amenities to facilitate efficient business operations and to enhance firm competition in global markets. In addition, the government should invest more in human capital and production facilities, especially in information and communications technology, to increase firm performance as well as the probability that they will export.