Coping with Rapid Population Ageing in Asia

29 June 2021Category:
Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Education, Training, and Human Capital, Healthcare and Ageing Society, Labour and MigrationType:
ageing, ageing in Asia, ageing society, healthcare, caregiversPrint Article:
Can you imagine the life of octogenarians, nonagenarians, or centenarians? It may be difficult if you do not have any limitations on daily activities. But we are much more likely than our ancestors – even our parents or grandparents – to live to such an age. The increase in the number of older adults is accompanied by a rise in the number of people with care needs. How can we cope with the expanding care needs in the era of population ageing?
This book deals with two critical issues that accompany population ageing: long-term care systems (discussed in Part I of the book) and the cross-border movement of long-term care workers (Part II of the book) – focusing on Asia, where the population is ageing at the fastest pace in the world. The book provides basic information that will be useful for further dialogue and international collaboration on improvement of the quality and sustainability of long-term care systems without leaving any older adult behind.
Full Report
Coping with Rapid Population Ageing in Asia
PART 1: National Policies and System of Long-term Care in Asia
Chapter 1: National Policies, Systems, and Practices of Long-term Care in Asia
Chapter 2: Long-term Care in China: Public Response to the Ageing Society
Chapter 3: Long-term Care Provision in Japan
Chapter 4: Policy Issues of Long-term Care for Older People in the Republic of Korea
Chapter 5: An Overview of Singapore’s Long-term Care System: Towards a Community Model of Care
Chapter 6: Long-term Care Policy and Implementation in Thailand
Chapter 7: Older Persons and Long-term Care in Viet Nam
PART 2: Care Workers Migration in Ageing Asia
Chapter 1: Care Workers Migration in Ageing Asia
Chapter 3: A New Era for Policies for Care Workers in Japan: Current Status and Future Directions
Chapter 4: The Philippine Health and Care Workforce in an Ageing World