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21 June 2024
ASEAN–China relations play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Asian economy. This ERIA [...]
7 March 2024
The rapid development of the digital economy in ASEAN offers broad economic and societal opportunities but also accentuates [...]
22 December 2023
This study aims to examine the relationship amongst tourism exports, digitalisation, and employment in tourism and allied sectors [...]
27 November 2023
The advancement of technology and borderless working accelerated by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has pushed the Association of [...]
2 November 2023
Over the last decade, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has undergone significant development in digitalisation. The [...]
2 November 2023
This second volume of the book on infrastructure for inclusive economic development delineates twenty initiatives within the National [...]
1 November 2023
Indonesia, as the world's largest archipelagic nation state, has made great progress in infrastructure development over the past [...]
23 August 2023
This book explores the evolution of ASEAN policies and initiatives on the digital sector and digital economy and [...]
2 August 2023
Cambodia is at the early stage of maximising the full potential of the blue economy, inclusively and sustainably, [...]
10 July 2023
Prior to the pandemic, cross-border trade and people mobility were experiencing significant growth, painting a promising picture for [...]

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