The Importance of Industrialisation and Trade Facilitation for Employment-Led Growth in the Digital Economy

30 July 2019Category:
Connectivity, Industry and Manufacturing, TradeType:
Policy BriefsTags:
Digital Economy, Industrialisation, Trade Facilitation, ConnectivityPrint Article:
The digital economy will affect the patterns and geographical locations of industries, employment, trade and economic growth. Structural transformation and employment generation policies in developing Asia and Africa must understand, prepare for, and respond to these changes. Investments in industrialisation and manufacturing will continue to drive employment-led growth in Asia and Africa. Countries in different stages of development can address the opportunities and disruptions arising in the employment sector through development strategies that focus on technology-aided industrialisation, trade and investment facilitation, physical and institutional connectivity, and investment in human capital. Developing countries can support their efforts by creating an appropriate business, training, and trade facilitation ecology.