ERIA FRAMES | July 2019

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Distinguished policy makers, prominent academics, think tank experts, and practitioners from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the ASEAN +3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADB/ADBI) and ERIA convened a two day event in Jakarta to discuss issues at the fore of recent economic development in Asia. The 7th OECD-AMRO-ADB/ADBI-ERIA Asian Regional Roundtable on Macroeconomic and Structural Policies, a T20 Japan Associated Event, took place from 18-19 June 2019 at ERIA’s offices. Read more.
Global governance systems must resonate with the interests of all of their members – small or large, developed or developing – including those that have special or differential requirements. Multilateral governance bodies are mandated to represent the interests of all their member countries. The list of global governance issues addressed by multilateral bodies is long: human rights, human development, labor, health, peace, conflict, disarmament, communication, finance, and environment. Trade and economic integration, however, have been the most visible aspects of international cooperation in the past year. Read more.
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