ERIA Annual Report 2019

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ERIA’s Annual Report 2019 presents the organisation’s various activities – such as research, seminars, capacity building, policy design, and dissemination initiatives – in fiscal year 2019.
Prof Hidetoshi Nishimura, President of ERIA, noted in his message that in January 2020 ERIA was ranked 13th in the international economic policy think tanks category, and 11th in the Southeast Asia and the Pacific category of the 2019 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report. ERIA was also included for the first time in the category of ‘Top Energy and Resources Policy Think Tanks’, and ranked 44th globally.
ERIA is now cooperating with the ASEAN Inter Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), and attended the 40th AIPA General Assembly on August 2019. In addition to several ASEAN-related conferences, in 2019 ERIA attended three G20 ministerial meetings on Agriculture, Trade, and Digital Economy, as well as Energy and the Environment, which were hosted by Japan in May and June.
Following the launch of its four-volume publication on ASEAN Vision 2040 in support of Thailand's chairmanship of ASEAN last year, ERIA promoted and discussed the book in Thailand; Jakarta; and Washington, DC in 2019. ERIA, in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), launched a Non-Tariff Measures Database on the occasion of the ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting in September 2019.
Full Report
Deepening Economic Integration
Sustainable Economic Development
Policy Design Department
Outreach and Dissemination
Capacity Building
Annex B - Academic Advisory Council
Annex C - Research Institutes Network
Annex D - Energy Research Institutes Network
Annex E - ERIA Officials, Researchers, Associates, and Staff
Annex F - Summit Statements in FY2019
Annex G-1 - List of Outreach Activities of ERIA Researchers (publications)
Annex G-2 - List of Outreach Activities of ERIA Researchers (international workshops/conferences/lectures)