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COVID-19 in Indonesia: Impacts on the Economy and Ways to Recovery

COVID-19 in Indonesia: Impacts on the Economy and Ways to Recovery
28 March 2022
Indonesia, COVID-19
Trade, Education, Poverty, Macroeconomy, fiscal, COVID-19

Print Article:

This book assesses the impacts of COVID-19 on the Indonesian economy, particularly on employment, education, poverty, trade, and macro economy.

The book explains how fiscal and monetary stimulus work and the roles of local governments in managing stimulus. It also presents ways to recovery and lessons learnt from countries that have found success in mitigating the economic impacts of the pandemic (China, Germany, Singapore, and Vietnam).

This book will be a useful reference for policy makers, scholars, students, and public audience working or having interest in the fields of development economics, trade, health economics, economics, and East Asia.

The Open Access version of this book, available at


It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

About the Book

Edited by Lili Yan Ing, M. Chatib Basri

270 pages | 87 B/W Illus.

Series: Routledge-ERIA Studies in Development Economics

Table of Contents

1.Introduction Lili Yan Ing, M. Chatib Basri and David Christian 

2. The Indonesian Economy in the Time of COVID-19: Saving Lives and Livelihoods? M. Chatib Basri and Syarifah Namira Fitrania 

3. Impacts of COVID-19 on Indonesia’s Trade, Lili Yan Ing and Yessi Vadila

4. Walking a Thin Line: Fiscal Policy in Managing the Pandemic, Masyita Crystallin 5. COVID-19 in Indonesia: Social Safety Nets, Sudarno Sumarto and Zahra Amalia Syarifah 

6. Mitigating COVID-19 in Indonesia: The Role of Local Governments, Diny Ghuzini 

7. Off the Cliff and Back: An Anatomy of China’s Trade amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Zhihong Yu and Mo Tian 

8. Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Germany, Günther G. Schulze 

9. COVID-19 Impact and Recovery: Lessons Learned from Singapore, Siwage Dharma Negara 

10. COVID-19 in Viet Nam, Duc Anh Dang

More Information

Click here to purchase the book. Hardback version available.


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