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Logistic And Production Networks | Energy Efficiency | Information Security | Border Area Development | Power Sector | Transport Sector | Power Grid Interconnection

Infrastructure is crucial for development. ERIA examine ways to enhance various facets of infrastructure which include, but not limited to, logistic and production networks, energy efficiency, and information security. Furthermore, ERIA also looks into border area development, power sector, transport sector, power grid interconnection, smart community development, and many more. Among various research and analytical methods, geographical simulation analysis is one of the new and popular tools for this topic especially in researching advices for infrastructure development framework or blueprint.


17 September 2024
The widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is seen as a crucial step in reducing oil dependence, enhancing [...]
5 February 2024
The ultimate objective of urban policies is to enhance citizens' attachment to their city and overall well-being. While [...]
2 November 2023
This second volume of the book on infrastructure for inclusive economic development delineates twenty initiatives within the National [...]
1 November 2023
Indonesia, as the world's largest archipelagic nation state, has made great progress in infrastructure development over the past [...]
23 August 2023
This book explores the evolution of ASEAN policies and initiatives on the digital sector and digital economy and [...]
2 August 2023
During Indonesia’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023, it has highlighted the blue economy as a key sector [...]
7 July 2023
Climate change has resulted in a surge in natural disasters, and the Asia-Pacific region alone contributes to over [...]
31 March 2023
The evolving economic architecture in the Indo-Pacific rests squarely on the post-war construct of the Asia-Pacific, which is [...]
17 June 2022
The Hydrogen Demand and Supply Potential Study: Phase 3  assesses and forecasts hydrogen production potential using unused or [...]
25 March 2022
President Joko Widodo launched a Maritime Highway program (tol laut) in 2015 to reduce price gaps between the east [...]
24 March 2022
How much does a country, a region, and the world need to spend on infrastructure development to fulfil [...]
23 March 2022
A government's investment decision for infrastructure development is a form of budget commitment which results in direct [...]
9 December 2021
The Ayeyawady–Chao Phraya–Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) currently has varying energy resources, but abundant [...]
1 July 2021
The Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2020-2021 provides an overview of both new and ongoing projects that [...]
29 April 2021
Growth in electricity demand in South and Southeast Asia is amongst the fastest in the world. Yet questions [...]
16 March 2021
Many players have supported infrastructure development in the Mekong Subregion, bridging the missing links in Southeast Asia. While [...]
2 March 2021
This report provides insights into the operation and resilience of supply chains in the region in the face [...]
5 February 2021
Temburong district is famous for its rich nature and is has become more attractive because of easy access [...]
29 January 2021
Indonesia’s electricity demand will increase significantly, by about 4.5 times, from 2015 to 2040, according to the 2018 edition of [...]
31 December 2020
Throughout fiscal year 2019–2020 ERIA conducted the phase 2 study on hydrogen demand and supply potential in the East [...]
12 November 2020
The Mekong Subregion (MSR) has been a model subregional development initiative, having achieved high economic growth and rapid [...]
17 July 2020
This brief proposes a policy framework for digital connectivity to support the development of e-commerce. Using this analytical [...]
15 June 2020
About the Study:The Trilateral Highway (TLH) exemplifies the letter and spirit of connectivity between India and the [...]
14 May 2020
Jakarta, 14 May 2020: A webinar dialogue on Realizing Smart Cities was jointly hosted by the Smart Cities Network [...]
4 March 2020
The Study on the Formation of the ASEAN Power Grid Transmission System Operator Institution (ATSO), a research project [...]
9 July 2019
The Vientiane–Hanoi Expressway (VHE) has been one of the most anticipated transportation projects between Lao PDR [...]
28 June 2019
The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) submitted the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan 2.0 (CADP 2.0) to [...]
14 March 2019
The Vientiane–Ha Noi Expressway (VHE) will connect the capitals of Lao People’s Democratic Republic ([...]
30 October 2018
Brunei Darussalam’s ‘Wawasan Brunei 2035’ vision assumes a sustainable society for the future and advocates [...]
6 September 2018
Africa’s economy is on a growth curve where development and investment plans must focus on the [...]
31 July 2018
The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) submitted the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan 2.0 (CADP 2.0) to [...]
29 June 2018
Indonesia has enjoyed a long spell of sustained and relatively rapid economic expansion, largely on the back of [...]
22 March 2018
This paper extends the conceptual framework of ‘unbundlings’ proposed by Baldwin (2016) and tries to provide a [...]
30 October 2017
This study comprehensively evaluates issues related to public acceptance of coal-fired power plants in Thailand and thus derives [...]
4 October 2017
Cross-border e-commerce has been a major development trend of international trade and globalization. In the next 5–10 years, [...]
27 September 2017
The study first summarized the existing policies in Viet Nam on energy efficiency improvement of the transport sector. [...]
15 May 2017
The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) submitted the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan 2.0 (CADP 2.0) to [...]
13 December 2016
The research is divided into four interdependent research clusters. Clusters 1 and 2 apply case studies on the BIMP countries ([...]
18 October 2016
The 2012 research of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia on energy efficiency of urban transport [...]
12 October 2016
This research report analyses the costs and benefits of power grid interconnection in the Northeast Asia region - [...]
21 September 2016
Energy demand in ASEAN countries has been rapidly expanding in the last decades. While the total energy demand [...]
13 May 2016
The resilience of the food supply chain (FSC) to disruptions has not kept pace with the extended, globalised, [...]
31 March 2016
Asia's energy security is usually defined in terms of oil-supply security, given the region's growing demand [...]
26 January 2016
Possible Improvement in InfrastructureDa Nang City in Viet Nam plans to develop a bus rapid transit (BRT) system [...]
7 December 2015
Dense cross-border power grid connections can benefit the ASEAN region through maximum use of untapped resources to generate [...]
20 November 2015
The original version of the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan (CADP), which was submitted to the East Asia Summit [...]
30 September 2015
PPP has been one important issue in ASEAN in recent years. It is viewed as one alternative of [...]
18 May 2015
ASEAN aims to reduce, if not eliminate, technical barriers to trade through standards and conformance (S&C) initiatives [...]
8 May 2015
As the intra-ASEAN tariffs are virtually eliminated, it is the non-tariff measures and trade costs associated with moving [...]
25 February 2015
This article examines the relationship between host-site institutional support and regional trade linkages on firm-level technological capabilities in [...]
25 February 2015
This article examines the relationships between host-site institutional support and firm-level technological upgrading, and between technological upgrading and [...]
30 November 2014
This report gives deeper insights on how the infrastructure development is being funded in different ASEAN Member States ([...]
5 November 2014
As a part of the initiatives to enhance cooperation between ASEAN and its dialogue partners, the energy market [...]
4 November 2014
This study establishes a system approach in assessing the financial viability of power infrastructure investment for the Greater [...]
4 November 2014
As economic power shifts towards Asia---particularly China, India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ---a robust [...]
28 October 2014
This study examines ways of improving energy efficiency in the transport sector of countries of the East Asia [...]
23 September 2014
  Key FindingsScope: ASEAN countries, Northeast India, and Southwest China.For each possible power transmission line for interconnection, [...]
10 December 2013
This paper assesses all the programmes and projects proposed in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint and the [...]

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