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Conventional Energy | Renewable Energy | Energy Outlook | Energy Mix | Energy Statistics

According to ERIA’s research, the amount of energy consumption in this region will practically double in 2040. Therefore, conventional energy may still be used by most ASEAN and East Asian countries to satisfy the growing energy demand, with efforts to reduce the environmental impact and to gradually increase the use of renewable energy. ERIA produces annual research on energy outlook and energy saving potential in East Asia to look at the balance of energy best-mix based on each country’s policy and targets, as well as to predict the pattern of future energy consumption.

Some of ERIA's studies on renewable and clean energy includes projects on biomass energy utilisation, nuclear energy safety and efficiency, energy saving, energy security, eco town, low carbon emission, and power generation. Furthermore, ERIA have also contribute suggestions on energy policy, energy market integration, emission regulation, as well as country specific energy consumption statistics.


16 July 2024
Hydrogen is a crucial fuel for achieving global carbon neutrality, and ERIA has been conducting hydrogen studies over [...]
12 July 2024
ASEAN is committed to developing renewable energy sources as part of the energy transition to reduce emissions. However, [...]
11 July 2024
This study explores the role of corporate governance in carbon-intensive and non-carbon-intensive companies within Malaysian smart cities. The [...]
9 July 2024
In this project, the prototype quantitative Energy Resilience Score (ERS) model was used to conduct an empirical energy [...]
4 July 2024
Decarbonising the Indo-Pacific’s energy systems is essential for setting the region on a more secure, sustainable, [...]
25 June 2024
LPG demand in Cambodia has been increasing rapidly over the past 20 years. One reason is the remarkable increase [...]
18 June 2024
Thailand is a developing country with a growing economy, which has led to increased energy consumption and carbon [...]
28 March 2024
In East Asia Summit (EAS) countries, recent progress in electrifying the transport sector focuses on electric vehicles (EVs) [...]
14 March 2024
Achieving carbon neutrality involves the strategic selection of low or zero-carbon fuels and technologies. However, the prioritisation of [...]
14 March 2024
Between 2020 and 2023, the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market witnessed significant fluctuations, with prices oscillating between historic lows and [...]
7 March 2024
The issue of methane emissions has garnered increased attention in recent years, with a focus on the natural [...]
4 March 2024
Addressing climate change necessitates a prompt reduction in fossil fuel consumption; however, this imperative may conflict with investment [...]
16 February 2024
The pressing challenges of climate change and the global shift towards sustainable energy have elevated the significance of [...]
15 February 2024
The Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) boasts abundant hydropower resources. However, during the dry season, the nation [...]
2 February 2024
This report marks the progression of ‘The Vision for the Digitalisation of Supply Chains in ASEAN and [...]
2 February 2024
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has established competitive production networks with Japan. However, to maintain the [...]
25 January 2024
This book integrates the essential aspects of economics, technology, and policy to propose practical solutions that can foster [...]
2 January 2024
Utilising fuel ammonia offers a viable solution for reconciling the decarbonisation and economic development goals of ASEAN countries. [...]
27 December 2023
Green Finance and Renewable Energy in ASEAN and East Asia edited by Phoumin, Taghizadeh-Hesary and Kimura provides several [...]
Writer(s)/Editor(s) : ATF Study Group,
19 December 2023
Amidst climate change challenges, sustainable finance transactions declined in 2022 after a previous surge. Asia's fledgling sustainable finance sector [...]
28 November 2023
The Philippines has witnessed a significant surge in energy demand, particularly in electricity, between 1990 and 2019, primarily attributed to [...]
27 November 2023
Thermal power plants utilise fossil fuels to generate electricity, with a significant portion of the heat produced being [...]
7 November 2023
ASEAN countries are actively promoting energy efficiency policies to address the rising energy consumption accompanying economic development. However, [...]
29 September 2023
While Brunei Darussalam has long been renowned for its oil and gas production and export, it is now [...]
19 September 2023
Cross-border energy trade and the integration of renewable energy have become increasingly vital for countries and regions aiming [...]
31 August 2023
From COP 26 to COP 27, countries have made ambitious pledges towards achieving Net-Zero Emissions by the mid-century. However, the [...]
21 August 2023
Responding to the Cebu Declaration of the leaders of the East Asia Summit (EAS) countries, ERIA conducted a [...]
11 August 2023
Renewable energy encompasses energy derived from sources that can be naturally replenished, falling into five primary categories: biomass, [...]
14 July 2023
The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) is extending an invitation for research proposals pertaining [...]
30 June 2023
The increasing electricity demand in the ASEAN region, driven by steady economic growth, necessitates a well-balanced and optimal [...]
16 May 2023
As Myanmar’s crude oil production has been far too limited to meet domestic petroleum demand, it [...]
5 May 2023
Myanmar currently meets 96% of its domestic petroleum demand through imports, with most of it used for industry and [...]
3 May 2023
The electricity sector's reforms aim to modernise its infrastructure, rules, policies, and procedures to allow for more [...]
21 April 2023
ASEAN’s real gross domestic product (GDP) had declined sharply due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic [...]
2 February 2023
As carbon dioxide emission reductions become increasingly urgent to counter climate change, many nations have announced net-zero emissions [...]
13 December 2022
This brief explores short-term solutions for stabilising the global gas market so that the world can continue to [...]
9 December 2022
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and East Asia face tremendous challenges in navigating the future energy [...]
29 November 2022
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transport sector is now attracting attention worldwide. To meet the Paris [...]
16 November 2022
The national oil companies (NOCs) of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) must strengthen their efforts to [...]

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