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Health Services | Financial Services | Trade Facilitation | Regulatory Restrictions In Logistic Services | Strategic Transport Plan

ASEAN is well on its way to become a global services hub, especially after the ASEAN Economic Community comes into effect in 2015. ERIA contributes to helping ASEAN Member States improve their services industry through research on health services, barriers to trade within different services, financial services, trade facilitation, regulatory restrictions in logistic services, and strategic transport plan.


3 July 2024
This paper provides new empirical evidence of city amenities’ role in China’s internal migration using [...]
3 July 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic period offered the opportunity to consider the adjustment of elements of the transport system to [...]
18 June 2024
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the importance of urban amenities to economic development using Indonesia [...]
18 June 2024
The aim of this study is to measure the quality of urban amenities in Bekasi and Tangerang regions, [...]

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