A Flexible LNG Market and Promotion of Investment

1 November 2021Category:
Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Viet Nam, EnergyType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Energy, ASEAN, Decarbonisation, Carbon Neutrality, LNGPrint Article:
The global LNG market has seen fast growth over the past 10 years, underpinned by strong demand in Asia and abundant supply from the United States and Australia. However, several issues and challenges also emerged along the growing path, such as obstacles in terms of infrastructure and pricing, and pressure from decarbonisation. To sustain the development of the LNG market and further accelerate the use of LNG in Asia, this report identifies the challenges and proposes policy recommendations for paving the way to a flexible LNG market in the ASEAN region.
Full Report
A Flexible LNG Market and Promotion of Investment
Executive Summary and Key Findings
Chapter 1: Fast Growing LNG Market in the ASEAN Region
Chapter 4: Conclusions: Pathway towards a Flexible LNG Market in ASEAN