Globalization and Innovation in East Asia

1 March 2011Category:
ASEAN, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam, Competitiveness, Innovation and Technology, Investment, SMEs, TradeType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Innovation and Technology, SMEsPrint Article:
How is globalization related to innovation? Is globalization a cause of innovation, or is innovation a cause of globalization, or both? Does increased trade and investment liberalization lead to more innovation, or does it depress innovation activity? In either case, what are the exact mechanisms? These are some of the most important questions that this report aims to address. These are some of questions that this report attempts to answer. This report collects many interesting findings based on the papers/studies done to cover many countries in East Asia region. Along with its wide international coverage, this project utilizes micro-level data at plant, firm, or product level. While innovation may be an old topic, there have not many studies in the literature that utilize data at this micro level, addressing the innovation linkage to globalization, and focusing on the most rapidly growing region in the world. There are, therefore, rich insights that one can draw from all papers in this report.
List of Project Members
DR.SHUJIRO URATA (PROJECT SUPERVISOR): Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies,Waseda University, Japan; Senior Researcher Advisor to the Executive Director, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia.
DR. CHIN HEE HAHN (PROJECT LEADER): Associate Professor, Kyungwon University, Korea.
DR. DIONISIUS NARJOKO (PROJECT COORDINATOR): CResearcher, Economic Research Institute forASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia.
DR. SADAO NAGAOKA: Professor, Institute of Innovation Research of Hitotsubashi University, Japan.
DR. NAOTOSHI TSUKADA: Research Associate, Institute of Innovation Research of Hitotsubashi University, Japan.
DR. YONG-SEOK CHOI: Associate Professor, Kyung Hee University, School of Economics, Korea.
DR. KI-WAN KIM: Associate Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute, Korea.
DR. CHANG-GYUN PARK: Associate Professor, Chung-Ang University, Korea.
DR. CASSEY LEE HONG KIM: Senior Lecturer, School of Economics, University of Wollongong, Australia.
DR. RAFAELITA ALDABA: Senior Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), Philippines.
DR. ARCHANUN KOHPAIBOON: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University,Thailand.
DR. JUTHATHIP JONGWANICH: Assistant Professor, School of Management, Asian Institute ofTechnology, Thailand.
DR. JACQUES MAIRESSE: Professorial Fellow, UNU-MERIT, Netherlands; INSEE-CREST, France;National Bureau of Economic Research, USA.
DR. PIERRE MOHNEN: Professor, UNU-MERIT; Masstricht University, Netherlands.
DR. NYANYUN ZHAO: Professor and Dean, School of Statistics, Renmin University of China, China.
DR. FENG ZHEN: Postdoctoral Researcher, Bank of China; Chinese Academic of Social Science, China.
DR. NGUYEN NGOC ANH: Chief Economist, Development and Policies Research Center, Vietnam.
DR. NGUYEN THI PHUONG MAI: Senior Fellow, Development and Policies Research Center; NationalInstitute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy, Vietnam.
DR. NGUYEN DUC NHAT: Executiver Director, Development and Policies Research Center, Vietnam.
DR. NGUYEN DINH CHUC: Central Insitute of Economic Management, Vietnam.
DR. ALFONS PALANGKARAYA: Senior Research Fellow, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic andSocial Research and the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Melbourne, Australia.
DR. ARI KUNCORO: Professor of Economics, University of Indonesia, Indonesia.
DR. KEIKO ITO: Associate Professor, School of Economics, Senshu University.
Full Report
CHAPTER 1: Globalization and Innovation in East Asia
CHAPTER 2: Sources of Learning-by-Exporting Effects: Does Exporting Promote Innovation?
CHAPTER 3: Direction of Causality in Innovation-Exporting Linkage: Evidence on Korean Manufacturing
CHAPTER 5: Multinational Enterprises, Exporting and R&D Activities in Thailand
CHAPTER 8: Trade Reforms, Competition, and Innovation in the Philippines
CHAPTER 9: Trade Liberalization and Innovation Linkages Micro-evidence from Vietnam SME Surveys
CHAPTER 11: Knowledge Flows, Organization and Innovation: Firm-Level Evidence from Malaysia