Geographical Simulation Analysis for Logistic Enhancement in East Asia

1 March 2010Category:
Industry and Manufacturing, InfrastructureType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
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List of Project Members
Mr. Satoru KUMAGAI: Deputy Director,Economic Integration Studies Group, Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, IDE-JETRO, JAPAN.
Dr. Toshitaka GOKAN : Economic Integration Studies Group,Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, IDE-JETRO, JAPAN.
Mr. Ikumo ISONO: Research Fellow,Bangkok Research Center, IDE-JETRO, THAILAND.
Dr. Kazunobu HAYAKAWA: Economic Integration Studies Group,Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, IDE-JETRO, JAPAN.
Mr. Souknilanh KEOLA: Development Strategies Studies Group,Development Studies Center, IDE-JETRO, JAPAN
Full Report
2.1. Brief survey of literature
2.2. Objectives of IDE/ERIA-GSM
3.1. Basic feature of the system
3.2. Advantages of the system
4.1. Brief explanation of spatial economics
4.2. The structure of the model
4.3. Important parameters
4.4. On the modal choice
5. The Current State of Economic Geography in East Asia
5.1. Population
5.2. GDP per capita
5.3. Industrial Agglomeration
6.1. Baseline scenario
6.2. EWEC
6.3. MIEC
6.4. NSEC
6.5. Davao-Manado Sea Route
7. Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
7.1. Minding the income gap the developing phase of the economy
7.2. Need to consider modal shift by infrastructure development
7.3. Establishment of a geographical economic and social database in East Asia