Feasibility Study on the Transmission Highway in ACMECS
9 December 2021Category:
Energy, InfrastructureType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Energy, Infrastructure, Thailand, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Cambodia, Viet NamPrint Article:
The Ayeyawady–Chao Phraya–Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) currently has varying energy resources, but abundant resources – especially hydropower – are underutilised because ACMECS countries have no existing bulk transmission network covering their entire area. The high-voltage transmission network can bring multiple benefits, including reduced fuel costs of thermal power generation, reduced CO2 emission, improved electricity access, and the ability to consolidate higher shares of variable renewable energy.
For this report, a cost–benefit analysis on utilising high-voltage cross-border interconnections for power trade in ACMECS was carried out. The study was conducted with the support of experts from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam, who shared relevant data. Following the outcome of this study, ACMECS countries need to continue exploring how they move the regional grid towards a more accessible, affordable, and sustainable future power sector through the transmission highway concept.
Full Report
Feasibility Study on the Transmission Highway in ACMECS
Executive Summary and Key Findings
Chapter 2 Current Situation of Power System in ACMECS Countries
Chapter 3 Cooperative Operation of Hydropower and Thermal Power in ACMECS Countries
Chapter 4 Existing Cross-Border Interconnections in ACMECS Countries
Chapter 5 Candidate Cross-Border Interconnections for the Transmission Highway in ACMECS
Chapter 6 Power Exchange through the Transmission Highway
Chapter 7 Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Transmission Highway
Chapter 8 Important Role of ACMECS in Multilateral Power Trade