Establishment of a Secure and Safe e-Commerce Marketplace
1 March 2009Category:
Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Innovation and Technology, Regulation and Governance, TradeType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Innovation and Technology, Regulation and GovernancePrint Article:
Full Report
1. Outline
2. Research system
III. Research for establishment of a safe and highly reliable marketplace in ASEAN and East Asia
1. Current status of e-commerce market and related rules in each country
1.1. Summary and Analysis of Country Reports
1.2. Malaysia
1.3. Singapore
1.4. Thailand
1.5. Vietnam
1.6. People's Republic of China
1.7. Japan
1.8. Efforts of Consumers International
2. Leading cases of international cooperation for consumer disputes on e-commerce
2.1. BBB Online
2.2. ECC-Net
3. Toward international cooperation for consumer disputes on e-commerce
3.1. Asia Pacific Trustmark Alliance (ATA)
3.2. Concept of International Consumer Advisory Network (ICA-Net)
3.3. Prospects for application of an ODR System
IV. Conclusion
1. Status of e-commerce (EC) in East Asian countries
2. Scheme for building consumer confidence in cross-border transactions
3. ICA-Net test operation
4. Significance of the project and issues to be considered in the future