ERIA Annual Report 2021

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ERIA’s Annual Report 2021 presents the organisation’s various activities – such as research, seminars, capacity building, policy design, and dissemination initiatives – in fiscal year 2021. ERIA expanded the scope of its activities to help chart the future direction of ASEAN and East Asia.
The global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has been on the agenda of our research activities. ERIA published numerous policy briefs and discussion papers on its implications for the economy (trade, investment, and fiscal policy), energy, and the environment (waste management). Together with Brunei Darussalam, ERIA also hosted the 4th East Asia Energy Forum, which discussed low-carbon energy transition and carbon neutrality in ASEAN and East Asia. And together with the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry of Japan, ERIA also launched the Asia CCUS network to facilitate the CCUS technologies in the region.
The 38th and 39th ASEAN summit leaders also acknowledged the contribution of ERIA to ASEAN in the summit statement: ‘[ERIA’s] support to the development of Brunei Darussalam’s two (2) PEDs, namely the Framework on Circular Economy for the AEC; and the NTM Toolkit in cooperation with UNCTAD. We also appreciated ERIA’s assistance and support through research and studies that contribute to ASEAN’s economic priorities, including but not limited to the upgrade of the ATIGA, addressing issues pertaining to the mobility of professionals in ASEAN Member States especially in relation to the 4IR, the follow-up work on the ASEAN Seamless Trade Facilitation Indicators – Trade Transactions Cost (ASTFI–TTC II), and supply chain resilience.’
Full Report
Policy Design Department
Outreach and Dissemination
Capacity Building Strategy & Partnership Programme
Annex B - Academic Advisory Council
Annex C - Research Institutes Network
Annex D - Energy Research Institutes Network
Annex E - ERIA Officials, Researchers, Associates, and Staff
Annex F - Summit Statements in FY2020
Annex G-1 - List of Outreach Activities of ERIA Researchers (Publications)
Annex H - Media Exposure
Annex I - Publications
Annex J - Capacity Building and Strategy & Partnership Event List