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ASEAN Vision 2040: Towards a Bolder and Stronger ASEAN Community

ASEAN Vision 2040: Towards a Bolder and Stronger ASEAN Community
11 June 2019
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
ASEAN Vision 2040, ASEAN

Print Article:

Volume I consists of the integrative report and executive summary of ASEAN Vision 2040, and a briefer on new challenges and key priorities and strategies. ASEAN Vision 2040 has been drawn up in the context of ASEAN’s achievements, revealed aspirations, and expectations of the peoples of ASEAN for the near future, and the recent and expected global, regional, and technological developments. The volume presents the ASEAN Vision 2040 and highlights key areas of collective leadership and ASEAN centrality, harnessing the emerging Industry 4.0 to transform the ASEAN economies and enhance ASEAN resiliency and developmental sustainability, realising a seamless ASEAN, engendering greater inclusivity, and a deeper sense of community and belonging, and strengthening the ASEAN institutional ecosystem.




Full Report 

ASEAN Vision 2040 - Volume I


Title page


List of Contributors

Table of Contents


Executive Summary 

Integrative Chapters

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