Visit of Students from Jakarta Japanese School
9 February 2011Category:
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8 students from Jakarta Japanese School visited ASEAN Secretariat where ERIA Head Office is located and ERIA Annex Office on 9 February 2011 for a half-day work experience. "Work Experience" is a part of an educational program, which gives students the real-world work experience, an opportunity to participate in, and learn about work environment they are interested in.
At the ASEAN Secretariat, Mr. Shinya Kawamura, Deputy General Manager of ERIA and Ms. Rieko Shimizu, Second Secretary of Embassy of Japan, gave a brief explanation about ASEAN and ERIA after ushering ERIA head office. After that, the students proceeded to ERIA Annex Office. Ms. Mitsuko Takayanagi, Officer for General Management, made a presentation about her work in ERIA and career development.
Ms. Fadilla Rahma, Assistant to Deputy General Manager, explained the cultural differences between Indonesia and Japan in her experience which she had been staying in Japan for 7 years. Ms. Masnijuri A. Palallo, Secretary to Executive Director, taught English to give students an opportunity to speak English in public. She gave a message to students, "English can be one of the reasons to take you to any position you are dreaming of. English can take you to visit any country you want. English is a kind of the window how to know the whole world.
" The half-day work experience was end up with the interview time to Mr. Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive Director of ERIA. A lively discussion was conducted among them. We hope that today's experience must support their career plan and personal goals described in their dreams.