Visit of Former Minister and Former Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
16 May 2014Category:
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Two members of the House of Councilors, namely H.E. Mr. Masayuki Naoshima, Former Minister, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan and H.E. Mr. Teruhiko Mashiko, Former Senior Vice Minister of METI of Japan, visited ERIA on May 3, 2014
During their visit to Jakarta, Indonesia. H.E. Mr. Naoshima and H.E. Mr. Mashiko have been strong supporters of ERIA as Senior Advisor and Vice Chairman of ERIA Parliamentary league respectively.
H.E. Mr. Aiboshi, Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN also attended the meeting. H.E. Prof. Yusuf Anwar, the Governing Board Member of ERIA representing Indonesia, Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, Prof. Fukunari Kimura, Chief Economist of ERIA and ERIA Economists warmly welcomed their visit. H.E. Prof. Anwar has held prominent positions such as Finance Minister of Indonesia and Indonesian Ambassador to Japan. H.E. Prof. Anwar assumed the position of ERIA Governing Board Member in February 2014 and this was his first visit to ERIA.
Prof. Nishimura introduced Economists of ERIA to the visitors and each Economist explained their major research projects under their charge. Prof. Nishimura briefed on recent ERIA's achievements and introduced the statement of 8th East Asia Summit (EAS) where the leaders called on ERIA to continue its extensive research activities to promote economic integration of ASEAN and East Asia. He also stressed the strengthening of ties with OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) and IEA (International Energy Agency).The discussion touched upon the progress of Comprehensive Asia Development Plan (CADP) which was submitted to 5 th East Asia Summit in 2010 which was attended by H.E. Mr. Naoshima as Minister of METI, Japan.
H.E. Mr. Mashiko reconfirmed the importance to reconcile two objectives; deepening economic integration and narrowing development gaps which are urgent issues for policy discussion in the region and this is what the CADP intends to address. H.E. Prof. Anwar expressed his expectation of ERIA, saying that "I believe ERIA will definitely make meaningful efforts for further development of ASEAN and East Asia."Dignitaries noted ERIA's critical role in helping the community building of ASEAN and East Asia and H.E. Mr. Naoshima and H.E. Mr. Mashiko concluded to reaffirm their continued supports to ERIA.