Salvador 'Badz' M. Buban is a trade policy expert with more than 20 years of experience in trade policy formulation and trade negotiations, particularly with respect to multilateral (WTO) and regional (RCEP, ASEAN, ASEAN Plus 1 FTAs and APEC) in the areas of market access for trade in goods, SPS, TBT, rules of origin, customs procedures and trade facilitation, FTA implementation, capacity building and regional integration. As a policy fellow, he provides key policy advice and research support on regional integration matters to ASEAN Member States and ASEAN sectoral bodies. He was involved in the RCEP negotiations and provided policy advice and recommendations to the Chair of the RCEP Trade Negotiating Committee, especially on trade in goods, rules of origin, as well as on other key outstanding issues in the negotiations.
Prior to joining ERIA, Badz served as Trade Facilitation Advisor of the USAID Trade Related Assistance for Development (TRADE) Project and provided technical assistance to government agencies in areas of trade policy, customs procedures and trade facilitation. He was a Senior Officer at the ASEAN Secretariat and provided support to the Committee Chairs and ASEAN Economic Ministers in the areas of trade in goods, customs and trade facilitation and ASEAN Single Window, by drafting policy and discussion papers, as well as recommending options to facilitate decision-making. He facilitated and participated in discussions and negotiations under the ASEAN and ASEAN Plus FTAs.
Badz held senior roles at the Department of Trade and Industry, including leading FTA negotiations and multilateral trade negotiations and engaging with industry and other private sector stakeholders to inform on trade policy. He also chaired various working groups and sub-working groups responsible for formulating the Philippines' position on the various engagements, including FTA negotiations.
Badz earned his Bachelor of Arts in Communication degree from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Master’s in Social Development from the Ateneo de Manila University, and Diploma on Trade Policy from the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
Jan - Mar 2004 |
Diploma, WTO Trade Policy Course |
2000 |
Master of Science in Social Development |
1990 |
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (major in Broadcast Communication) |
Jan 2018 - to present | Policy Fellow, Policy Design Department, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) |
2014 - 2017 |
Trade Facilitation Advisor, |
2010 - 2014 |
Senior Officer (Trade Facilitation), |
2006 - 2010 |
Senior Officer (Trade in Goods and Rules of Origin) |
2005 - 2006 |
Associate Officer, FTA Cluster |
1996 - 2005 |
Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist |
1994 - 1996 |
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer |
1990 - 1992 |
Junior Programme Officer for the Popularization Programme |
Reports, book reviews, and book chapters
Narjoko, D., S. Buban, R. Shrestha, D.T.T. Ha, and E. Setyadi (eds.) (2021). Towards Seamless Trade Facilitation in ASEAN Baseline Study. Jakarta: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia. /publications/towards-seamless-trade-facilitation-in-asean-baseline-study/
S. Buban, R. Shrestha, and R. Chlissma (eds.) (2021), Impact of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreements (ATIGA) on Intra-ASEAN Trade. Jakarta: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia. /publications/impact-of-the-asean-trade-in-goods-agreements-atiga-on-intra-asean-trade/
S. Buban and J. Nagallo, (2021), 'Trade Facilitation in the Philippines and the Results of the ASTFI Baseline Study', in ERIA (eds.), Towards Seamless Trade Facilitation in ASEAN. Jakarta: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia. /uploads/media/Research-Project-Report/2021-08-Towards-Seamless-Trade-Facilitation-ASEAN/13_Ch.8-Philippines-Report.pdf
Buban, J. Jangsawang, and P. Chamnankij (2021), 'Trade Facilitation in Thailand and the Results of the ASTFI Baseline Study', in ERIA (eds.), Towards Seamless Trade Facilitation in ASEAN. Jakarta: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia. /uploads/media/Research-Project-Report/2021-08-Towards-Seamless-Trade-Facilitation-ASEAN/15_Ch.10-Thailand-Report.pdf
Ambashi, M., S. Buban, H. Phoumin and R. Shrestha (2020), ‘Infrastructure Development, Trade Facilitation, and Industrialisation in the Mekong Region’, in Kimura, Fukunari (ed.), Subregional Development Strategy in ASEAN after COVID-19: Inclusiveness and Sustainability in the Mekong Subregion (Mekong 2030). Jakarta: ERIA, pp.BP24–BP41. /uploads/media/Books/2020-Subregional-Development-ASEAN-after-COVID19-Mekong/08_Infrastructure-Development-Trade-Facilitation-Industrialisation.pdf
Ha, D.T.T., S. Rosenow and Salvador Buban (2019), 'Non-tariff Measures and Regional Integration in ASEAN', in Ha, D.T.T. and S. Rosenow (eds.), Non-tariff Measures in ASEAN-An Update. Jakarta: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, pp.1-31. /uploads/media/7.ERIA_Book_2019_NTM_Update_Chapter_Integrative.pdf
Ha, D.T.T. and S. Buban (2019), 'Managing Non-tariff Measures in ASEAN', in Intal, P. and M. Pangestu (eds.), Integrated and Connected Seamless ASEAN Economic Community. Jakarta: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, pp. 21–33. https://www.eria.org/uploads/media/6.AV2040_VOL4_Managing_NTM_in_ASEAN.pdf
Chapter on RCEP on history, negotiations, structure, and future directions - Co-author (tbc 2022)