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Executive Capacity Building Seminar and Workshop 'Executive Leaders Summit 2013 in Thailand'

21 October 2013

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The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) organised the ERIA Executive Capacity Building Program 'Executive Leaders Summit 2013 in Thailand', together with the Ministry of Commerce, the Kingdom of Thailand and supported by Bangkok Research Center (BRC), JETRO Bangkok, which started with the Executive Capacity Building Seminar 'Building Robust, Efficient and Value Creating Connectivity for Regional Development' at Conrad Hotel Bangkok, Thailand on 21 October 2013, followed by the workshop and field trip in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai until 25 October 2013.

The program aims to offer an opportunity to share experiences, academic findings and empirical practices, and to build network among participants. This is the first event DDGs from five countries are invited together to discuss about regional issues of connectivity and regional development.

Sixty participants including 15 representatives at the DDG level from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Viet Nam, Thailand and Myanmar attended the seminar, and the DDGs continue the program of five days (21-25 October 2013) to exchange views and map out their common strategies in future connectivity.

It was opened officially by H. E. Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, the Kingdom of Thailand and Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive Director, ERIA.

The prominent speakers for the Executive Capacity Building Seminar on 21 October 2013 were H.E. Supachai Panitchpakdi, Former Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); H.E. Olarn Chaipravat, Thailand Trade epresentative (TTR); Dr. Hank Lim, Chair Person, ERIA Academic Advisory Council (AAC); Dr Pattama Tearnravisitsagool, Senior Advisor in Policy and Plan, National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), Thailand; Prof Fukunari Kimura, Chief Economist of ERIA; Ms Vasana Mututanont, Former Deputy Secretary General, Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), Thailand; Dr Ram Upendra Das, Senior Fellow, the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, India; Prof Michael E. Regan, Professor, Bond University, Australia; and Dr Masami Ishida, Senior Research Fellow, Bangkok Research Center, JETRO Bangkok, Thailand.

After listening to a series of lectures from prominent leaders and economists in Bangkok on 21 October, they traveled to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai to visit industrial parks in the area including leading companies invested in Northern Thailand on 22 October, Chiang Khong Bridge on 24 and Chiansaen Port on 25 October to see how those infrastructures will bring effect on the connectivity among neighboring countries and economically impact.

During the workshop on 22 October, the participants are divided into three distinctive groups focusing on commerce and trade, regional planning, as well as transportation and public works. Each group is supervised by experts related to trade, planning, and connectivity. The interaction within the group and various thematic discussions allow participants to exchange views and plan together.


Ministry of Commerce, the Kingdom of Thailand

Supported by

Bangkok Research Center (BRC), JETRO Bangkok

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