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Economic Impact And Their Evaluation | Market Entry Barriers | FTA | FDI | Effective Investment | Country Risk | FDI Restrictiveness

Investment is a necessity for economic development whether it is foreign direct investment (FDI), private investment, or other kinds of investments. ERIA looks into issues related to investments such as economic impact and their evaluation, market entry barriers, free trade agreements, effective investment, country risk, FDI restrictiveness, international investment agreements, and more. The various studies used a variation of methods such as sectoral analysis and principal component analysis.


18 June 2024
This paper examines the effects of urban amenities on the probability of firms exporting and firm productive performance [...]
31 May 2024
Rapid population growth and economic development have become apparent in ASEAN countries in recent years. Moreover, each year [...]
16 February 2024
World economic governance was largely dominated by major developed countries in the 20th century. Over the last half-century, [...]
16 February 2024
This study examines the effect of trade openness and COVID-19 shock on output volatility. Quarterly data from 2010 to 2022 [...]
2 February 2024
This study aims to develop and utilise a multi-regional economic growth model that can take into account flood [...]
30 January 2024
Myanmar’s commitment to the Blue Economy is driven by the Sustainable Development Goals, and it has [...]
30 November 2023
The Blue Economy has emerged as a compelling strategy for safeguarding inland water and ocean resources while fostering [...]
27 November 2023
T his overview provides a brief assessment of the blue economy of thePhilippines, listing the main challenges and [...]
13 September 2023
This policy brief discusses the development of a national blue economy framework for the Lao People’s [...]
3 August 2023
This paper examines the foreign direct investment policy of Cambodia in terms of investment promotion and facilitation. The [...]

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