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SMEs and Economic Integration in Southeast Asia

SMEs and Economic Integration in Southeast Asia
25 October 2019
Cassey Lee, Dionisius A. Narjoko, Sothea Oum, Shandre Thangavelu, Samsen Neak, Titik Anas, Phouphet Kyophilavong, Rajah Rasiah, Govindamal Thangiah, Thomas Bernhardt, S. Kanay De, Giles Dickenson-Jones, Rafaelita M. Aldaba, Teerawat Charoenrat, Charles Harvie, Nguyen Dinh Chuc, Nguyen Ngoc Tuan, Nguyen Thi Kim Thai, Kazunobu Hayakawa, Toshiyuki Matsuura, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Thi Tuong Anh, Nguyen Ngoc Minh, Nguyen Thi Phuong Mai, Shin-Horng Chen, Pei-Chang Wen, Meng-Chun Liu, Zhang Miao
Cassey Lee, Dionisius A. Narjoko, Sothea Oum

Print Article:

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for about 97–99 per cent of total enterprises and 60–80 per cent of total employment in ASEAN countries. The participation of SMEs is thus crucial for achieving greater regional economic integration amongst ASEAN countries. SMEs are, however, often constrained by many disadvantages that limit their abilities to become importers and exporters. This is well documented in the research literature on trade and firm size. This volume contains selected ASEAN country studies on the participation of SMEs in regional economic integration based on primary microdata. This is supplemented by empirical studies on the role played by East Asian multinational enterprises in the region. 

'The editors and authors of SMEs and Economic Integration in Southeast Asia are to be congratulated for this major contribution to the scholarly and policy literature on a subject of much public discussion but limited analytical research. The emphasis on economic integration highlights the importance of these firms in Southeast Asia’s growing regional and global engagement. The thirteen chapters, by leading authors in the field, comprise both insightful country analyses and careful examination of the links between SMEs and foreign investment.' —Hal Hill, H.W. Arndt Professor Emeritus of Southeast Asian Economies, Australian National University

About the Book

Edited by Cassey Lee, Dionisius A. Narjoko, and Sothea Oum | 635 pages | Publisher: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute / ERIA


  1. Introduction, by Cassey LeeDionisius Ardiyanto NarjokoSothea Oumauthors
  2. SME Participation in ASEAN and East Asian Integration: Case of Cambodia, by Shandre M Thangavelu Sothea OumSamsen Neakauthors
  3. Government Policies, Regional Trading Agreements and Economic Performance of National Electronic Components Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Malaysia, by Rajah RasiahGovindamal Thangiahauthors
  4. Myanmar SMEs’ Participation in ASEAN and East Asian Regional Economic Integration: With a Focus on Food and Apparel Manufacturing, by Thomas BernhardtS. Kanay DeGiles Dickenson-Jonesauthors
  5. Government Policies, Regional Trading Agreements and Economic Performance of National Electronic Components Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Malaysia, by Rajah RasiahGovindamal Thangiahauthors
  6. Myanmar SMEs’ Participation in ASEAN and East Asian Regional Economic Integration: With a Focus on Food and Apparel Manufacturing, by Thomas BernhardtS. Kanay DeGiles Dickenson-Jones, authors
  7. Philippine SME Participation in ASEAN and East Asian Regional Economic Integration, by Rafaelita M. Aldaba, author
  8. Thailand’s SME Participation in ASEAN and East Asian Regional Economic Integration, by Teerawat CharoenratCharles Harvie, authors
  9. Vietnam SMEs’ Participation in Regional Economic Integration: Survey Results of Three Manufacturing Sectors, by Nguyen Dinh ChucNguyen Ngoc TuanNguyen Thi Kim Thai , authors
  10. Use of Preference at Export Platform: Evidence from Export to China by Japanese Affiliates in ASEAN, by Kazunobu HayakawaToshiyuki Matsuura, authors
  11. South Korean Multinational Enterprises and Vietnam SMEs’ Participation in Global Production Networks in the Context of Increased ASEAN and East Asian Regional Economic Integration, by Nguyen Ngoc Anh Nguyen Thi Tuong AnhNguyen Ngoc MinhNguyen Thi Phuong Mai, authors
  12. The Evolution of Taiwan’s Economic Links with ASEAN, by Shin-Horng ChenPei-Chang WenMeng-Chun Liu, authors
  13. Chinese Multinational Firms in Southeast Asia: A Study of Chery in Malaysia, by Zhang Miao, author

More Information

PDF and paperback version available. 

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