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Labour and Migration


Labour and Migration

Labour Mobility | Employment | Rural Development | Social Welfare | Labour Adjustment Management | Migrant Networks | And Social Protections

Labour and migration have always been an important topic of research and discussions. ERIA dives deep into it through a range of sub-topics surrounding labour and migration, such as labour mobility, employment, rural development, social welfare, labour adjustment management, migrant networks, and social protections. Furthermore, ERIA also works on problems related to labour and migration such as gender wage gap and inequality.


3 July 2024
This paper provides new empirical evidence of city amenities’ role in China’s internal migration using [...]
18 June 2024
This study investigates the relationship between urban density and productivity, specifically wages adjusted for provincial price differences, in [...]
31 March 2023
The evolving economic architecture in the Indo-Pacific rests squarely on the post-war construct of the Asia-Pacific, which is [...]

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