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ASEAN | Research | Economic Integration | Nation Building | Community Building

The story of ASEAN is one of building up from managing intra-regional (ASEAN) disputes to facilitating the management of pan-regional (East Asia) disputes; from economic cooperation to economic integration, and from nation building to regional community (ASEAN) building. ERIA works with the ASEAN Chair in producing research projects that serve the Chair's objectives in the one-year chairmanship period, while working to secure the long term goal of deepening regional integration. 


17 September 2024
The widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is seen as a crucial step in reducing oil dependence, enhancing [...]
29 July 2024
The economics of happiness explores self-reported happiness or subjective well-being (SWB) by integrating economic methods with psychological approaches [...]
27 June 2024
This report is an outcome of ERIA’s study conducted to examine how Cambodia can maximise the [...]
31 May 2024
Rapid population growth and economic development have become apparent in ASEAN countries in recent years. Moreover, each year [...]

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