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Reforming The Intellectual Property System to Promote Foreign Direct Investment in ASEAN

Reforming The Intellectual Property System to Promote Foreign Direct Investment in ASEAN
25 November 2015
Shigemi Yoneyama, Toshiya Watanabe, Isamu Yamauchi, Maho Furuya, Mingde Li, Jo Jong Sang, Miranda Risang Ayu Palar, Somchai Ratanachueskul, Kah Hin Chai, Phan Quoc Nguyen, Shimpei Yamamoto, Yoshinao Onuma, Yasushi Kanegae, Yuri Hirai, Qishan Zhao, Xing Guo, Bumsoo Kum, Karmen Kantaatmadja, Niramai Chaihung, Supa Swang, Anna Hoi Yan Fong, Duc Thai Vu, Phuong Lien Phan, Ha Nam Nguyen
Regulation and Governance, Investment

Print Article:


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) adopted the 'ASEAN Intellectual Property Rights Action Plan 2011-2015' in 2011. In said action plan, ASEAN recognises that to encourage foreign direct investments in the region, it needs to ensure the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs) of trading partners.

Through interviews and a survey questionnaire, this study investigated the current status of the intellectual property (IP) regime and IP policy in ASEAN Member States (AMS), and how the AMS could and should develop their IP-related policies to promote investments by multinational companies by clarifying the kinds of IPR protection and enforcement essential for foreign direct investment. Selected multinationals considering expansion into, and those that have already expanded to, the AMS were interviewed, to identify the opportunities and challenges of the IP landscape in the AMS.


Full Report





List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Abbreviations

List of Working Group Members

Executive Summary

Part I Research Setting

Chapter 1. Purpose of the Study and Research Method

Chapter 2. Overview of the Research Items Examined

Part II Overall Analysis

Chapter 3. Overall Trend of Companies Investing in ASEAN

Chapter 4. Expansion Factors: Similarities and Differences in ASEAN Countries

Part III Analysis of Multinational Companies

Chapter 5. Japanese Companies

Chapter 6. Chinese Companies

Chapter 7. Korean Companies

Chapter 8. US and EU Companies in Singapore

Chapter 9. US and EU Companies in Thailand

Chapter 10. US and EU Companies in Indonesia

Chapter 11. US/EU Companies in Viet Nam

Part IV Problems and Challenges of Intellectual Property Systems in ASEAN

Chapter 12. Summary of the Research

Chapter 13. Recommendations



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