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Highlighted Publications

Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2024

Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2024

18 September 2024

The Summary of ERIA Research Projects 2024 offers an overview of both new and ongoing projects that ERIA researchers are actively engaged in as of April 2024.

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SME Policy Index ASEAN 2024 Enabling Sustainable Growth and Digitalisation

SME Policy Index ASEAN 2024 Enabling Sustainable Growth and Digitalisation

Author(s)/Editor(s): ERIA, ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME), OECD
20 September 2024

The ASEAN SME Policy Index 2024 is the result of a collaborative effort between the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME), the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Developed with the funding support [...]

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Further ASEAN-China Cooperation for Joint Prosperity: Envisioning ACFTA 3.0 in the Digital Era

Further ASEAN-China Cooperation for Joint Prosperity: Envisioning ACFTA 3.0 in the Digital Era

Author(s)/Editor(s): Aladdin D Rillo, Lurong Chen
21 June 2024

ASEAN–China relations play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Asian economy. This ERIA report delves into the challenges arising from the evolution of the digital economy, the restructuring of Global Value Chains (GVCs), and Asia’s transition to a green economy, while envisioning the [...]

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Empowering Online Public Service in Asia: The Digital Frontier

Empowering Online Public Service in Asia: The Digital Frontier

Author(s)/Editor(s): Lurong Chen, Fukunari Kimura
19 March 2024

The implications of digital government are extensive and can profoundly shape the trajectory and character of digital transformation. Drawing from ERIA’s recent research on digital transformation, this book provides valuable insights into the practices of Asian countries in harnessing the potential of digital government. It illuminates the use [...]

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