What Are the Stakes for ASEAN in Paris 2.0/COP24?
12 December 2018Category:
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(Note : This article was originally published by Brink News Asia, ERIA's Senior Energy Economist, Dr Venkatachalam Anbumozhi is the author)
The ongoing UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland, (COP24) is seen by many as the most important climate negotiation since 2015, when 196 countries agreed on a vision for a climate-neutral future by adopting the landmark Paris Agreement. Termed “Paris 2.0,” the Katowice talks are an important moment in international climate-change negotiations, as they must finalize the implementation guidelines of the Paris Agreement. This will put the Paris targets into practice and establish a process for each country to present their plans, review their commitments and implementation of policies, and assess whether governments are collectively on track for the Paris Agreement goals. (Read the full article by using the link above)