The Comprehensive Asia Development Plan: Updated
22 December 2010Category:
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ERIA has conducted a series of research projects to aid the formulation of the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan (CADP), in response to the request from the leaders of the East Asia Summit, as "a coherent master plan, which would contribute to coordinating, expediting, upgrading, and expanding sub-regional initiatives and promoting private participation".
East Asia is now facing a big challenge. On the one hand, economic forces in the globalizing era require an even higher level of de jure and de facto economic integration than before. On the other hand, East Asia consists of countries and regions widely different in their development stages, with diversified historical, cultural, and political backgrounds. How to reconcile two objectives, i.e., deepening economic integration and narrowing development gaps, is an urgent issue for policy discussion in East Asia, and this is exactly what the CADP intends to address.
To reach the final draft of the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan, please go to "Research" > "FY2009" > "No.7-1".