KOMINFO and ERIA Discuss How to Strengthen Digital Skills Across Indonesia
15 February 2024Category:
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Jakarta, 15 February 2024: A delegation of experts from ERIA met with representatives from Indonesia's Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KOMINFO) to discuss the importance of digital skills for the nation’s digital transformation.
ERIA representatives Dr Giulia Ajmone Marsan, Director for Strategy and Partnership; Kentaro Machii, Program Manager on Startup Ecosystem; Mahirah Mahusin, Manager for Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economy; and Lina Maulidina Sabrina, Senior Programme Officer met with Dr Hary Budiarto, Head of the Agency for Human Resource Development on Communications and Information Technology; Dr Nusirwan, Head of Centre for Digital Business Skills Development; Riza Azmi, Team Leader of Micro Credential Certification and Digital School; and Fakhrizal Lukman Staff of Digital School.
The two delegations discussed mutual interests, exchanged insights, and identified opportunities for synergistic cooperation with the objective to nurture digital talent, foster entrepreneurship and innovation, and promote capacity building in Indonesia and ASEAN under the newly established ERIA Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economy Centre (E-DISC).