ISPONRE and ERIA Sign MoU to Promote Institutional Cooperation on Prioritized Research Field
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Ha Noi, 11 July 2022: ERIA’s COO, Mr Koji Hachiyama signed MoU with The Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) of Viet Nam, represented by Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Dinh Tho, as the President of ISPONRE on 11 July in Ha Noi.
The MoU is aimed to promote institutional cooperation between both organisation in the academic fields of mutual interests to strengthen the capacity of research and effectiveness of dissemination of re-search findings to following areas:
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Low Carbon Development
- Sustainable Consumption and Production
- Green Technology and Innovation
- Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services
- Circular Economy, 3Rs and Waste Management
- Other thematic areas which is relevant to both parties
This MoU will remain in force for five years.