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ERIA Takes Part in Symposium on Nuclear Energy from the Female Point of View

29 May 2015

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ERIA, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEF), and the Breakthrough Institute co-organized an International Nuclear Energy Symposium on 'Discussions on nuclear Energy from the Female Point of View - Why is it necessary? Why is it safe enough? Why is it irreplaceable?' on 19 May 2015 at GRIPS in Tokyo, Japan.

Mr. Masakazu Toyoda, President and CEO of IEEJ, opened the symposium. H.E. Mr. Yosuke Takagi, State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan gave special lectures and explained the status of the Fukushima nuclear accident cleanup. Professor Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive Director of ERIA, and Ms. Agneta Rising, Director General of World Nuclear Association, gave keynote speeches.

In his keynote speech, Professor Nishimura introduced nuclear energy developments in the East Asian region and he highlighted ERIA's research findings on the need to strengthen regional collaborations on nuclear safety and security, and ways to achieve it.

In the symposium, 17 female nuclear experts discussed a range of issues from women's point of view, including the role of nuclear energy, safety measures, global nuclear status, countermeasures against climate change, and how to promote dialogue with the public.

On the day before the Symposium, speakers and nuclear experts conducted a site visit of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

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