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Profile Overview
Nanda Sucitra Putri

Project Coordinator


Prior to Nanda Sucitra Putri's promotion to Project Coordinator in 2023, she dedicated six years to serving the Healthcare Unit, starting in 2017. Throughout this time, she accumulated valuable experience in supporting project administration and fostering collaborative relationships with external stakeholders, research partners, government institutions, and international organisations. Currently, she supports the Healthcare Unit in project coordination and has been involved in projects focusing on ageing, social welfare, and access and delivery.

Before joining ERIA, she worked as Consular Staff at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Penang, Malaysia. During her tenure, she adeptly managed various consular affairs, engaged with Malaysian public and private sectors on migrant worker issues, and facilitated coordination between Indonesian and Malaysian government officials.


Nanda Sucitra Putri graduated with a Bachelor's degree in German Studies from the University of Indonesia and a Master's degree in International Relations from Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy.

ERIA Publications
ERIA Chapters

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