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RIETI-ANU Symposium: An Asian Agenda for Securing the Multilateral Rules-based Economic Order


East Asia is at the centre of international economic dynamism and interdependence. It is also where the most important global geopolitical, economic and security fault lines are. East Asia has been the biggest beneficiary of the existing rules-based economic order and has the most to lose from its fracture.
Australia and Japan have played lead roles in navigating international economic policy uncertainty in East Asia. The region confronts major challenges going forward.
How can ASEAN centrality be strengthened to keep Asia free and open?
How can the CPTPP membership navigate China and Taiwan’s bid to join the grouping?
How can de-risking be achieved without damaging the fundamentals that have brought prosperity and security to Asia?
How can economic coercion be countered and limits put on the use of economic weaponry?
How can strategic competition between China and the United States avoid damaging the region’s interests?
The latest RIETI–ANU collaboration addresses these questions with experts from across East Asia.

Event Details

Date: Friday, 22 September 2023
Time: 2 PM - 4 PM (Japan Standard Time)
Venue: Toranomon Hills Mori Tower Hall B, 4th Floor | Hybrid



 Welcome Remarks

  • Shujiro URATA (RIETI, Chairman / Professor Emeritus, Waseda University / Senior Research Advisor, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) / Specially Appointed Fellow)

Keynote Speech

  • YOSHIDA Yasuhiko (Consulting Fellow, RIETI / Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy, Trade Policy Bureau, METI)

Panel Disscussion


  • Lili Yan ING (Lead Advisor (Southeast Asia Region), the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and Secretary General of the International Economic Association (IEA))
  • KUNIMATSU Maki (Professor, Faculty of Global Management and Associate Director, International Center, Chuo University)
  • NGUYEN Anh Duong (Director, Department for General Economic Issues and Integration Studies Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM))
  • Rebecca Fatima STA MARIA (Executive Director, APEC Secretariat, Singapore)
  • WANG Dong (Professor and Executive Director, Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU), Peking University)


  • Shiro ARMSTRONG (Visiting Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University; Director, Australia-Japan Research Centre; Director, East Asian Bureau of Economic Research)

Concluding Remarks

  • Shiro ARMSTRONG (Visiting Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University; Director, Australia-Japan Research Centre; Director, East Asian Bureau of Economic Research)


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