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ERIA-Myanmar IPR Symposium on IPR for SME Development

9 September 2014

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ERIA-Myanmar IPR Symposium on IPR for SME Development was held on Tuesday, 9 September, 2014 in Thingaha Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.

Protection of intellectual property right (IPR) will attract foreign investment and promote innovation in the small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Myanmar, according to a senior Myanmar official.

H.E. Daw Lei Lei Thein, Deputy Minister for National Planning and Economic Development and H.E. Dr. Aung Kyaw Myat, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology attended the symposium.

International and regional experts on IPR sharing their experience include Mr. Denis Croze, Director of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Singapore Office; Mr. Pornvit Sila-on, Head of International Cooperation Unit 1, Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand; Prof. Phan Quoc Nguyen, Vice-Director, Science, Technology and International Relations Department and Center of Knowledge Transfer, Viet Nam National University, Viet Nam; Prof. Rajah Rasiah, University of Malaya, Malaysia; Dr. Miranda Risang Ayu, New Emerging IPR Specialist, Universitas Padjajaran, Indonesia; Prof. Hiroshi Kato, Faculty of Law, Japan University; Dr. Moe Moe Thwe, Deputy Director, Head of Intellectual Property Section, Ministry of Science and Technology, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar; Mr. Takeo Donoue, Director-General, Policy Planning and Coordination Department, Japan Patent Office.


Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (NPED) and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Supported by

Supported by Bangkok Research Center (BRC) JETRO Bangkok, Japan Patent Office (JPO) and JETRO Yangon


Press Release - IPR Symposium_Nay Pyi Taw

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