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Non-renewable Resources in Asian Economies: Perspectives of Availability, Applicability, Acceptability, and Affordability

Non-renewable Resources in Asian Economies: Perspectives of Availability, Applicability, Acceptability, and Affordability
6 February 2014
Youngho Chang, Yanfei Li

Print Article:


This paper reviews the factors that determine the sustainability of non-renewable energy production and consumption in Asian economies. It reviews the recent literature on the issue and all of the key findings under the 4As framework (Availability, Applicability, Acceptability, and Affordability) which is derived from classical Hotelling non-renewable resource economics models. Conclusions derived focus on the implications of the fast growth in non-renewable energy consumption and its outpacing the growth in indigenous production, the uneven distribution of exploitable non-renewable energy resources, the potentials of shale oil and shale gas, the role of coal, renewable energy and nuclear energy, the reform of domestic energy markets, and the environmental impacts of the use of non-renewable energy in the Asian economies.


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