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Linkages between Real and Financial Aspects of Economic Integration in East Asia

Linkages between Real and Financial Aspects of Economic Integration in East Asia
1 March 2010
Jenny Corbett, Christopher Findlay, Tony Cavoli, Ramkishen S. Rajan, Achmad Maulana, Victor Pontines, Friska Parulian, Garry Twite, Prasanna Gai, Kazuki Onji, Reza Y. Siregar, Shandre Mugan Thangavelu, Aekapol Chongvilaivan
Christopher Findlay, Friska Parulian, Jenny Corbett

Print Article:

List of Project Members

DR. CHRISTOPHER FINDLAY (PROJECT LEADER): School of Economic, University ofAdelaide, Australia.

DR. FRISKA PARULIAN (PROJECT COORDINATOR) : Economic Research Institute forASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia.

DR. JENNY CORBETT: Australia-Japan Research Centre, Crawford School ofEconomics and Government, Australian National University (ANU), Australia.

DR. TONY CAVOLI: School of Commerce, University of South Australia, Australia.

DR. RAMKISHEN S. RAJAN: School of Public Policy, George Mason University, USA.

MR. ACHMAD MAULANA: Center for Economics and Development Studies (CEDS),Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia.

DR. VICTOR PONTINES: Flinders Business School, Flinders University, Australia.

DR. GARRY TWITE: School of Finance and Statistics, Australian National University(ANU), Australia.

DR. PRASANNA GAI: Crawford School, Australian National University, Australia.

DR. KAZUKI ONJI: Australia-Japan Research Centre, Crawford School of Economicsand Government, Australian National University (ANU), Australia.

DR. REZA Y. SIREGAR: South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Research andTraining Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

DR. SHANDRE MUGAN THANGAVELU: Faculty of Arts and Social ScienceDepartment of Economics, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore.

DR. AEKAPOL CHONGVILAIVAN: Regional Economic Studies Programme, Institute ofSoutheast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Full Report



Front cover

Table of Contents

List of Project Members

Executive Summary

Chapter 1. Linkages between Real and Financial Aspects ofEconomic Integration in Asia: Overview Report

Chapter 2. Sequencing and Extent of Integration in Asia: TheReal Financial Dimensions

Chapter 3. Consumption Risk Sharing and Its Implications forFinancial Integration: The Case of Nine East Asian Countries

Chapter 4. Business Cycle Synchronization and FinancialIntegration in the Asia-Pacific Region

Chapter 5. Corporate Financial Structure in East Asia: What DoWe Know?

Chapter 6. Capital Structure of Firms and Real-FinancialLinkages in East Asia

Chapter 7. The Banking System in East Asia and The Transmissionof The Global Financial Crisis

Chapter 8. Trade Financing and Export Performance: Experiencesof Indonesia, Korea, and Thailand

Chapter 9. Export Credit and Export Performance inIndonesia

Chapter 10. Bank Efficiency, Regulation, and Response toCrisis of Financial Institutions in Selected Asian Countries

Chapter 11. FDI, Financial Constraints, Productivity: FirmLevel Study in Vietnam

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