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Dawei Revisited: Reaffirmation of the importance of the project in the era of reforms in Myanmar

Dawei Revisited: Reaffirmation of the importance of the project in the era of reforms in Myanmar
31 May 2013
Ikumo Isono, Satoru Kumagai
Infrastructure, Regulation and Governance, Urban Development

Print Article:


Myanmar has entered a new era of all-round reforms. Donors and foreign investors are mainly interested in Yangon, while there has been a delay in the Dawei deep sea project, the Dawei Special Economic Zone project and the road connection to Thailand. The change in circumstances poses a question about whether the Dawei project is still needed in the era of a reforming Myanmar. Our geographical simulation analysis clearly shows that the Dawei project has significant additional benefit for the whole Mekong region and points out the importance of international cooperation.


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