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4th ERIA Governing Board Meeting

3 June 2011

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The 4th ERIA Governing Board (GB) Meeting was held on 3rd June 2011 at ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Dinh Van An, Chairperson of ERIA Governing Board. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN addressed the meeting. Mr. Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive Director, ERIA, briefed the GB members on recent activities of ERIA since last GB Meeting.

During the meeting, Dato Paduka Lim Jock Hoi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Brunei was appointed as a new chairman and 4th Governing Board Meeting Statement entitled "For the Establishment of Resilient Community in ASEAN and East Asia" was adopted by all participating Governing Board Members.

Considering the major natural disasters hit in the region, especially the one in Tohoku area in Japan, ERIA GB members from 16 EAS member countries reaffirmed the importance of establishing more resilient community in ASEAN and East Asia.

In the Statement from the 4th GB Meeting, the following issues are highlighted as necessary measures to assist ASEAN and East Asia in the regional community building efforts and strengthening economic development.

  1. Strengthening and Deepening Regional Production Network
  2. Evolution of ASEAN Centered Economic Architecture in the Context of Global Community
  3. Infrastructure Development and Urban Planning More Resilient to Disasters
  4. Regional Cooperation for Energy and Food Security and Greener Development
  5. Establishment of Early Warning System to Respond to Sudden Economic Shocks and Natural Disasters
  6. Promotion of East Asia Wide Exchange Among People and Local Communities

As for the situation in Japan, ERIA Governing Board proposed the following actions to be considered within the Japanese Government, and expressed ERIA's readiness to provide necessary support.

  1. Establishment of National Structure Resilient against Disasters
  2. Strengthening of Network with Asia and Promotion of Human Exchange
  3. Strengthening Japan as an Innovation Center for the World

After the GB meeting, EAS ambassadorial meeting was held. (Photo2) Ambassadors from EAS counties were updated on the current research activities of ERIA and the 4th GBM statement. The outcomes of the ERIA GB Meeting were well taken note by ambassadors. The importance of close communication and cooperation was reconfirmed by all participants.

To reach the statement of 4th ERIA Governing Board Meeting, please click on PDF file below.

2011_0603_4th ERIA GB Statement_FINAL.pdf

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