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Trade Facilitations | Trade Agreements | Mega Free Trade Agreements Like RCEP | Trade Liberalisation | Non Tariff Measures

ERIA examines various aspects of trade starting from issues that can affect trade such as exchange rate volatility, trade facilitations, trade agreements, mega free trade agreements like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement (RCEP), trade liberalisation, tariffs and non-tariffs measures, and many more. 


3 July 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic period offered the opportunity to consider the adjustment of elements of the transport system to [...]
7 May 2024
This paper uses detailed firm-level and transactional-level trade data to examine the causal relationship between digitalisation and servicification [...]
21 March 2024
In this paper, we examine the spillover and connectedness between the trade policy uncertainty (TPU) of the United [...]
13 March 2024
Since the onset of the coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) pandemic, social distancing practices and government‐mandated lockdowns have become [...]
23 February 2024
This paper examines the global semiconductor industry trade network and the place of the Association of Southeast Asian [...]
16 February 2024
In this paper, we develop and examine an indicator for regulatory harmonisation amongst member countries in a given [...]
16 February 2024
World economic governance was largely dominated by major developed countries in the 20th century. Over the last half-century, [...]
16 February 2024
This paper analyses the trade characteristics, competition networks, and fragility of global trade in goods in the Association [...]
16 February 2024
This study examines the relationship between global value chain (GVC) integration and business cycle synchronisation in selected Association [...]
16 February 2024
This paper explores the effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on firm response. Using a novel COVID-19 [...]
16 February 2024
Firms hold inventory to manage input shortages and stockout risks. This is particularly true for firms relying on [...]
16 February 2024
This study examines the effect of trade openness and COVID-19 shock on output volatility. Quarterly data from 2010 to 2022 [...]
15 January 2024
Indonesia's ongoing financial sector reforms align with regional commitments, particularly the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS), designed [...]
22 December 2023
In this paper, we study the effects of international regulatory convergence in non-tariff measures on the cross-border investment [...]
22 December 2023
This study evaluates how e-commerce is reshaping international trade in goods for two Association of Southeast Asian Nations ([...]
29 November 2023
This study investigates the impacts of COVID-19 government policies and trade measures on trade flows and trade resilience [...]
29 November 2023
This study empirically examines the nexus amongst financial integration, trade integration, and instability in various emerging and Association [...]
28 November 2023
Viet Nam’s impressive economic growth has been driven by a socialist-oriented market economy often recognised as [...]
9 October 2023
The second ASEAN Seamless Trade Facilitation Indicators (ASTFI) and the Trade Transactions Cost (TTC) study, known as ASTFI-TTC [...]
29 August 2023
The aim of this study is threefold. First, we analyse the relationship between export incentives on firm survival [...]

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