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Small And Medium-sized Enterprises | SMEs | Effective Knowledge Sources | Productivity Nexus | Innovation Constraints And Determinants For SMEs | Access To Finance

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a big part of the economy in many Asian countries. ERIA examines factors that could help improve SMEs, such as effective knowledge sources, productivity nexus, innovation constraints and determinants for SMEs, and  access to finance. ERIA also leads research around government policies and regulatory support for SMEs like SME trade policy, SME investment policy, and competition laws.


20 September 2024
  The SME Policy Index is a benchmarking tool designed to monitor and evaluate the progress of policies [...]
11 July 2024
Agriculture and cottage, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (CMSMEs) – the two critically important sectors for pro-poor and [...]
7 May 2024
Tourism was one of the sectors most damaged by COVID-19. The number of inbound tourists plummeted, and domestic [...]
4 September 2023
The book dives into issues surrounding the development of the creative industry and tourism by micro, small, and [...]
21 April 2023
ASEAN’s real gross domestic product (GDP) had declined sharply due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic [...]
27 March 2023
We conducted randomised experiments to provide management training for 312 small Vietnamese manufacturers in 2010 and repeatedly collected follow-up data [...]
2 February 2023
This study employs data from the Viet Nam Enterprise Survey (VES) for 2007 and 2011) to examine the effect of [...]
15 November 2022
This report assesses women’s entrepreneurship trends in Eastern Indonesia compared with national and other provincial [...]
21 October 2022
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) member countries differ in terms of the level of development. To ensure the [...]
16 September 2022
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused trade disruptions; a drop in foreign direct investment; and scarring effects [...]

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