Establishment on a Secure and Safe E-Commerce Marketplace

1 March 2010Category:
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Viet Nam, Innovation and Technology, Regulation and Governance, TradeType:
Research Project ReportsTags:
Innovation and Technology, Regulation and GovernancePrint Article:
List of Project Members
Prof. Tsuneo Matsumoto : Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law, Japan
< Japan >
- Prof. Yoshihisa Hayakawa : Rikkyo University
- Mr. Naoki Iguchi : Anderson, Mori, Tomotsune Law Office
- Mr. Ko Anada : Attorneys' corporation, Soga, Uriu and Itoga Law Office
< Malaysia >
- Ms. Indrani Thuraisingham : Head of Consumers International (CI) Kuala Lumpur Office
- Mr. Muhammad Sha'ani Abdullah : Chief Executive of the National Consumer Complaints Center (NCCC)
< The Philippines >
- Ms. Maria Lourdes A. Yaptinchay : Supervising Director of the E-Commerce Office, Department of Trade and Industry
< Singapore >
- Mr. Seah Seng Choon : Executive Director of the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE)
< South Korea >
- Prof. Moonchul Chang : National Police University
< Vietnam >
- Dr. Nguyen Manh Quyen : Deputy Director General of Vietnam E-Commerce & Information Technology Agency (VECTA), Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT)
Institute supporting the study
The EC Network supported this working group's research by gathering information to inform the members' discussion at the workshops. The following are EC Network's research members :
- Ms. Toshiko Sawada (Director)
- Mr. Eiichiro Mandai (Senior Researcher)
- Ms. Yuko Tonomura
-Mr. Michikazu Chihara : Manager of NEC Cooperation, Japan
- Ms. Shino Uenuma : Attorney of South Toranomon Law Office, Japan
- Prof. Shujiro Urata : Project Supervisor of ERIA, Indonesia and Professor, Waseda University, Japan
- Dr. Friska Parulian : Associate Researcher of ERIA, Indonesia
- Mr. Tomoyoshi Nishizumi : Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization (CICC), Japan
- Ms. Hiroko Kawabata : Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization (CICC), Japan
- Ms. Tomoko Kawamura : Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization (CICC), Japan
Full Report
1. Outline
1.1. The First Workshop
1.2. The Second Workshop
2. Members
3. Contents of the Report
3.1. Current Status of E-commerce Market and LegalSystems in Each Country
3.2. Demonstration Experiment of ICA-Net
3.3. Toward Realization of ICA-Net
4. List of Authors
III. Research for Establishment of Safe and Highly Reliable Marketplace in ASEAN and East Asia
1. Current Status of E-commerce Market and Legal Systems in Each Country
1.1. Malaysia
1.2. Singapore
1.3. Vietnam
1.4. Republic of Korea
1.5. Philippines
1.6. Japan
1.7. Comparison of Consumer Protection Laws
2. Demonstration Experiment of ICA-Net
2.1. Consumer Organizations' Expectations regardingOnline Consumer Redress
2.2. Exchange of Opinions with EU
2.3. Outline of Demonstration Experiment and CaseExample
2.4.Terms of Reference of ICA-Net
3. Policy Recommendation: Toward a Realization of ICA-Net
3.1. Expansion of e-Commerce Market in ASEAN andEast Asia
3.2. Challenges to Enhance Cross-bordere-Commerce
3.3. Policy Recommendation
3.4. Toward a Realization of the ICA-Net