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ERIA Special Lecture on 'The Strategic Perspective of New City Management for ASEAN' : ICT Infrastructure Construction and Human-Center Designed City Model


ERIA Special Lecture on 'The Strategic Perspective of New City Management for ASEAN' 

  ICT Infrastructure Construction and Human-Center Designed City Model

Lecture by Prof Mitsuhiro Maeda and Dr Jun Murai

Epistemic Research Institute of Social Ethics (ERISE), Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (AIIT)


 From the viewpoint of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), our research makes policy recommendations on urban models that can contribute to the creation of new cities in ASEAN countries. In order to promote future economic development in the developing ASEAN countries, it is essential to establish an effective development strategy on city management. Regarding the development strategy of city management, there are some case studies in Japan, but few studies have examined ASEAN as one target area. Given the rapid regional development, it is necessary to analyze from a dynamic point of view based on the characteristics of the area.

In many ASEAN countries, the capital function is expanding and urban problems are also becoming obvious. Rapid urbanization progresses, and furthermore, population aging and declining birthrate are predicted. Such a phenomenon is a problem which industrialized countries such as Japan have at present. Even in the ASEAN countries, by showing the knowledge in the developed countries, may we be able to solve a number of problems to be anticipated in the future? This is the point of view in our research.

In our research, we try to model based on new city management. It is a city planning model based on "human-centered design" with a view to utilizing information and communication technology (ICT). Data analysis by ICT makes it possible to optimize urban functions. In this city planning, a circulation-based urban management model can be realized by efficient infrastructure investment.

Attempts to construct this model will not only reconstruct existing city functions, but will also present a concept of a new city planning around major cities. Specifically, by presenting the satellite city concept in the suburbs in the region of 30 to 50 km from the central city, we intend to develop to aim for sustainable development. Applying these concepts to future urban development will enable "leapfrog type development" in ASEAN countries.

 Short Bio of the Lecturer

 Mitsuhiro MAEDA is a Professor at the Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (AIIT) and Center president of Epistemic Research Institute of Social Ethics (ERISE), His research interests are international relations and information social science focusing on development assistance (development finance) and financial geopolitics.

 Jun MURAI is a Senior Researcher of Epistemic Research Institute of Social Ethics (ERISE). His research focuses on city management, business administration, and work-style analysis. He earned his PhD in labor management from Nihon University, Tokyo.


10:00−10:45Presentation by Prof. Maeda and Dr. Murai
10:45−11:30Q&A and Free Discussion
11:30−12:00Coffee/Refreshments and Networking at Information Centre

Note: Prior registration is preferable. If you want to register or have any questions about this special lecture, please contact the following person.

Information Sheet