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AESCON Call for Abstracts

3 July 2019

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AESCON welcomes original research on international connectivity and globalisation and its links to sustainable development, with a particular focus on the Asia-Europe context.

Conference topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Transport
  • Energy
  • Digital economy and e-commerce
  • Political and institutional cooperation
  • Education and research
  • Migration
  • Tourism
  • Interoperability
  • Trade
  • Financial networks and flows
  • Cultural exchanges
  • Security
  • Information and Communication Technologies

Research should address international connectivity (as opposed to domestic), and particular preference will be given to research targeting Asia-Europe connectivity.  Research should also adopt an integrated approach to connectivity, by linking the chosen connectivity topic to sustainability considerations and assessments.  Participants are highly encouraged to use data from the ASEM Sustainable Connectivity Portal. Datasets are available in the Repository section.

Submission process

Interested researchers should submit a short text abstract which summarises their research and any key findings, using the form below. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee of AESCON. For accepted abstracts, participants will also be required to submit an extended 2-3 page abstract, including key figures and tables, which will feature in the conference proceedings and will be publically available from the conference website.

The abstract submission process is as follows:

  • 1 July 2019: Call for abstracts is open
  • 6 October 2019: Extended deadline for abstracts
  • 31 October 2019: Researchers are notified of acceptance or rejection of abstracts, and will be required to confirm their attendance to the conference
  • 1 November 2019: Conference registration opens
  • 31 December 2019: Deadline for submission of extended abstract

Submit your abstract here

Special Issue

AESCON aims to offer researchers the opportunity to publish high-quality papers in a special issue on Sustainable Connectivity of a leading journal on issues relating to globalisation. The submission process to the special issue will open after the conference. More details on this will appear shortly.


Registration to AESCON is free of charge, but participants will need to cover the costs of their travel and accommodation. The acceptance to the conference is subject to the approval of the organisers, so please do not book your travel before having received a confirmation letter.

In order to encourage participation from a wide range of countries, and to promote a balanced group of participants, AESCON may be able to fund the travel of a very limited number of participants in particular justified cases where their institution is unable to provide funds. In such cases, travel funding would be available subject to the approval of the organising committee and with strong justification from the participant.


Click here to submit your abstract.

Source: Call for Abstracts

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