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ERIA School Of Government

ERIA School of Government is dedicated to establishing Southeast Asia's primary public policy school, fostering leadership and governance excellence across ASEAN. Through collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat under SG Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, we aim to create a vibrant intellectual hub that shapes the future of regional public policy. The school is targeted to become the intellectual platform for all to learn from the region, among the regional members and to be the hub for network in creating the public policy community in the region.

Dean and Managing Director of the ERIA School of Government

Nobuhiro Aizawa 

Nobuhiro Aizawa is the Dean and Managing Director of the ERIA School of Government, bringing extensive experience as a lecturer and researcher. A Professor at Kyushu University's Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, he holds a PhD in Southeast Asia Area Studies from Kyoto University. Aizawa's research delves into Southeast Asian politics, East Asian international relations, and emerging digital infrastructure.

Learn more about his Profile.

Mission and Goals:

  • The World to Learn From Southeast Asia
  • Identifying & Nurturing Regional Interest 
  • Redefine Southeast Asia as Epicentrum of Governance

The 4 pillars of ERIA School of Government:


We invite global fellows to join our ERIA community, connecting with partners committed to addressing regional public policy challenges. Hosted in Jakarta, alongside our researchers and partners, we collaborate closely with the ASEAN Secretariat to cultivate expertise in ASEAN and regional affairs. This fellowship aims to establish a community of governance experts dedicated to regional interests, pivotal for community building in East and Southeast Asia.


For Mid-Career Government Officials, Public Policy Post Docs


The fellowship period is to be confirmed 

Important Timeline
  • Open call for fellowship applications : August -October 2024
  • Fellowship applications screening and selection : TBC
  • Arrival of Successful fellowship applicants in Jakarta : TBC 2025

We are establishing a network of high-level mentors who will serve as lecturers and advisors for our executive seminars, public forums, and fellowship programs. The ERIA Executive Training program serves as the core intellectual engine of the school and a network hub of Southeast Asian public policy expertise. It aims to enhance resilience, stimulate growth, and drive transformative governance practices in the region by facilitating the exchange of best practices and bridging the gap between research and practical application.


Certified specialized seminar for 1-2 weeks


The school serves as a communication hub, engaging the regional policy community through regular high-level public forums to share and exchange valuable regional insights. The ERIA Leadership Forum/Dialogue amplifies the voices of top leaders, fostering critical dialogues among stakeholders


Facilitating Dialogue or create a monthly leadership forum


The school serves as a communication hub, engaging the regional policy community through regular high-level public forums to share and exchange valuable regional insights. The ERIA Leadership Forum/Dialogue amplifies the voices of top leaders, fostering critical dialogues among stakeholders

Contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Phone:(62-21) 579 44 60 Ext. 380