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The Future of Health Innovation in Asia


Virtual Conference The Asian Network in Partnership with ERIA

Global demographic shifts, environmental degradation and climate change, escalating humanitarian emergencies, technology innovation, and a growing global commitment to a universal right to healthcare are all driving change in different ways.

The cost of mental health conditions (and related consequences) is projected to rise to $6 trillion globally by 2030, from $2.5 trillion in 2010, according to a study published by the World Economic Forum and the Harvard School of Public Health.

COVID-19 has magnified gender-based inequalities in health and healthcare, and created a more urgent need to understand the forces undermining women’s well-being and resilience.

This virtual conference will gather 17 Leaders from Asia (India, Indonesia, China, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Hong Kong) sharing their expertise in Health & Healthcare, Entrepreneurship, and Technology for Social Good.

Event Details

  • Date: Thursday, 16 June  2022
  • Time: 2 PM- 6 PM (Jakarta time, UTC+7)

For further information, please visit: Run The World Events